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Tidal Bore Research at the University of Queensland

In an open channel, canal, river or estuary, a sudden increase in flow depth induces a positive surge, also called compression wave or bore. In an estuary, the flood tidal wave may become a tidal bore during the early flood tide in a narrow funneled channel under large tidal ranges. A related geophysical application is the up-river propagation of tsunami. During the 26 December 2004 and 10 March 2011 tsunami disasters, the rapid advances of the tsunami waters caused massive inland damage, when tsunami bores followed rivers and canals. In each situation, after its onset, the bore may be analysed as a hydraulic jump in translation.
Tidal bore research as been very active at the University of Queensland for the past 20 years. Combining field observations, laboratory experiments, CFD modelling and theoretical modelling, major advances have been made.

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This web site was launched by Prof. Michele Mossa of the Polytechnic University of Bari (Italy) with the initial support of Fondazione Caripuglia, Bari, Italy for the Research Project LIC-MON of 2003 and of the Project IMCA (Integrated Monitoring of Coastal Areas) financed by MIUR PON D.M. 593/00. Later, the initiative was supported with other Prof. Michele Mossa’s funds, most recently provided by the RITMARE Project.

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