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The IAHR Media Library is a web resource for the storage and sharing of photographic, animated and video material of hydraulics, hydrology and water resources including: photos of technical interest, films of technical interest, other similar material, with brief technical descriptions, an adequate classification system, an identification of technical areas. All these materials are analyzed, categorized and archived.

A second area of the IAHR Media Library is devoted to didactic tools of hydraulics. Any kind of additional educational resource can be included: slides of lectures and seminars, didactic computational software, documentation of appropriate field cases, e-learning tools, e-books and bibliographies.

IAHR, founded in 1935, is a worldwide independent member-based organisation of engineers and water specialists working in fields related to the hydro-environmental sciences and their practical application. Activities range from river and maritime hydraulics to water resources development and eco-hydraulics, through to ice engineering, hydroinformatics, and hydraulic machinery.

The IAHR Media Library was officially launched on 15th November 2004 and the first files were inserted on 10th February 2005. Many years have passed since the birth of the site and the total number of visitors is now very high. Initiatives of the IAHR Media Library regarding films of interest to Fluid Mechanics were previously employed by the ASME, as can be read in the Journal of Fluids Engineering, June 1976, pp. 151-155. Of course, not having a website in 1976, the Fluid Mechanics Committee accumulated a film catalogue, realizing, however, that many of these films were not widely distributed amongst researchers. To help put these films into the hands of researchers, the creation of an Engineering Societies Library (ESL) was proposed in order to obtain, store and distribute the videos. The IAHR Media Library represents the evolution of this idea. This web site was launched by Prof. Michele Mossa of the Polytechnic University of Bari (Italy) with the initial support of Fondazione Caripuglia, Bari, Italy for the Research Project LIC-MON of 2003 and of the Project IMCA (Integrated Monitoring of Coastal Areas) financed by MIUR PON D.M. 593/00. Later, the initiative was supported with other Prof. Michele Mossa's funds, most recently provided by the RITMARE Project. The RITMARE flagship project (Ricerca Italiana per il Mare, Italian Research for the Sea) is one of the National Research Programs funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. RITMARE is the leading national marine research project for the period 2012-2016; the overall project budget amounts to 250 million euros, co-funded by public and private resources.

IAHR Media Library

This web site was launched by Prof. Michele Mossa of the Polytechnic University of Bari (Italy) with the initial support of Fondazione Caripuglia, Bari, Italy for the Research Project LIC-MON of 2003 and of the Project IMCA (Integrated Monitoring of Coastal Areas) financed by MIUR PON D.M. 593/00. Later, the initiative was supported with other Prof. Michele Mossa’s funds, most recently provided by the RITMARE Project.

IAHR Media Library
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